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3 per row + text over image

Pods component

This is an example of a Pod Section containing multiple pods. 

Outro section

The outro section of this component can be used to provide further information and links to continue the user journey through your website.

4 per row + circle image

Pods component

This is an example of a Pod Section containing multiple pods. 

Outro section

The outro section of this component can be used to provide further information and links to continue the user journey through your website.

2 per row + square image

Pods component

This is an example of a Pod Section containing multiple pods. 

Outro section

The outro section of this component can be used to provide further information and links to continue the user journey through your website.

4 per row + over image + portrait

Pods component

This is an example of a Pod Section containing multiple pods. 

Outro section

The outro section of this component can be used to provide further information and links to continue the user journey through your website.

2 per row + wide image

Pods component

This is an example of a Pod Section containing multiple pods. 

Outro section

The outro section of this component can be used to provide further information and links to continue the user journey through your website.

Studij Poslovna informatika

Jedinstveni plan i program

Cilj studijskog programa je zadovoljiti identificirane potrebe tržišta rada u regionu. U okviru stalne saradnje Ekonomskog fakulteta i Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologija sa tržištem rada identificirana je nekompletna ponuda obrazovnih profila, i to profila koji će posjedovati kompetencije, znanje i vještineu oblastima poslovanja i informacijskih tehnologija (IT). Stalnim razvojem IT-a i njihovom integracijom u sve sektore poslovanja došlo je do potrebe obrazovanja menadžera i ekonomskih stručnjaka koji također posjeduju kompetencije, znanja i vještine iz oblasti IT-a, kako bi mogli na adekvatan način organizirati i izvršavati ekonomske procese organizacija.

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