Posts & Pages
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Cross-promote your content across different pages through out your site.
Page Layouts
There are several layout options available.
Accordion & Tabs
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Page Layouts
There are several layout options available.
Accordion & Tabs
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Text with Slideshow
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Text with Slideshow
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Form with text
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Text with Slideshow
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Form with text
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Text with Slideshow
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Can be used on both Standard and Advanced Pages/Posts.
Studij Poslovna informatika
Jedinstveni plan i program
Cilj studijskog programa je zadovoljiti identificirane potrebe tržišta rada u regionu. U okviru stalne saradnje Ekonomskog fakulteta i Fakulteta informacijskih tehnologija sa tržištem rada identificirana je nekompletna ponuda obrazovnih profila, i to profila koji će posjedovati kompetencije, znanje i vještineu oblastima poslovanja i informacijskih tehnologija (IT). Stalnim razvojem IT-a i njihovom integracijom u sve sektore poslovanja došlo je do potrebe obrazovanja menadžera i ekonomskih stručnjaka koji također posjeduju kompetencije, znanja i vještine iz oblasti IT-a, kako bi mogli na adekvatan način organizirati i izvršavati ekonomske procese organizacija.